Since the devastating disaster of 11th March 2011, Japan has been floundering in anxiety and social unrest; however the people who have suffered a great deal of loss, and damage to their property are now showing great resolve and determination in reconstructing and rejuvenating their shattered lives and communities; and this positive spirit has spread throughout all of Japan way beyond the confines of those directly hit by this catastrophe.
Mr. Fumiaki Konno, a researcher and interpreter, suffered from this catastrophic tragedy in Rikuzentakata city, his hometown, after ironically having experienced the recent historical events happening in Egypt’s Tahrir square.
After the earthquakes and tsunami hit Northern Japan, including Rikuzentakata city, we coudn’t contact Mr. Konno and weren’t receiving any news about him. Finally, Bahi Tokyo office thankfully received a telephone call from him. He along with his relatives, had taken refuge on the hilltop of the Gessan Shinto Shrine near to his house.
Many of our friends and colleagues were willing to support him and his relatives sooner, but access to him and the city was heavily restricted due to the destruction of the roads and telephone communications which have remained out of commission until recently.
But now, the major roads are cleared and opened. The official web page of Iwate prefecture shows the routes to each evacuation area.
Yukinori Kawae and Machi Tanaka planned to drive to Rikuzentakata city to give support to Mr. Konno and the people around him. The major aim at this time is to provide him with a mobile phone and establish direct communications with him in order to be informed by him about his and his community’s needs, and to provide them with all possible support.
To prepare what is possible in terms of relief supplies, Kawae and Tanaka have apprealed to Mr. Konno’s friends and colleagues for donations. Support and goodwill has flowed in from some of Mr. Konno’s long time acquaintances including in particular, Mr. Masamichi Nakano, General Manager of Bahi Travel Agency; and the renowned Egyptologists: Dr. Mark Lehner, Dr. Hourig Sourouzian and Dr. Rainer Stadelmann.
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